Message from the Head of School
It has been so lovely opening our school to more year groups in the past two weeks. In addition to our key worker children in school, we now have nursery bubbles, a reception bubble, a year 1 bubble and two year 6 bubbles!
“Bubble” is becoming a very popular word in school… This led me to thinking about the connotations or thoughts we have when thinking about bubbles… Bubbles are exciting, they are fun, they come in all shapes and sizes, you can sometimes see a rainbow in them. These are lovely thoughts… quickly gathered by some children, who really understand bubbles! These thoughts are reflective of our bubbles in school too. The children have quickly settled into their bubbles and this new kind of “normal”. The children are learning and having fun, whilst feeling safe and protected in their bubble. Just as they feel protected, they are quite rightly protective of their bubble and understand that they all have a part to play in helping the bubble to function as well as possible. I am so proud of each and every one of our children, whether they are in school as part of a bubble or at home in their family bubble. They are a credit to us all. The way the children have engaged with their learning whether at home or school and how they have adapted at school to new routines and systems is remarkable. They have taken this in their stride and have demonstrated just how strong and resilient they are. I am thrilled to be able to say that these children are part of our Rye Primary family and I know that this is echoed throughout school, with all of our staff commenting on how wonderful our children are! At the moment, it can sometimes seem as though there are many unknowns and uncertainties. One thing I am certain of is that we will get through this together, we will become stronger and the best is yet to come!
The Rye Primary bubble is here for you!
Pugwash Nursery Home Learning & Rejoiners
It has been lovely to be able to welcome some children back to Pugwash this week, we are so proud of how the children have settled back in to nursery and adapted to the changes that have been made.
During the week we began our learning for this term, we have started by enjoying the warm weather and learning about summer. The children have spoken about their experiences of going to the beach and have made some beach scene pictures.
We have been focusing on our core text for the term, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, the children have enjoyed this and have been working together to problem solve by building a bridge in the garden using crates and wooden blocks, they then acted out the story.
For those families that are continuing to do home learning, here is an overview of what we will be covering in nursery this term.
This term our theme is ‘build, build, build’.
We are going to be focusing on the following;
– Summer
– Building and construction
– Bridges
– Sun Safety
– Preparing for school
– Mini beasts
– Forest and Woodland
Our core texts that we will be reading are;
– Three Billy Goats Gruff
– Very Hungry Caterpillar
– Mr Big
– The Gruffalo
– First day at Bug School
– What the Ladybird Heard
– I am Too Absolutely Small for School
Most of these stories are available on YouTube if you do not have these stories at home. (Please remember e-safety whilst on YouTube and ensure that parental controls are set up on devices that children are using.)
The maths learning that we will be focusing on;
– All about the number 3
– Shapes in the environment
– Recognising numbers
– Construction activities – problem solving
– Over and under language
Here are some ideas and resources;
– Drawing and making beach scene pictures.
– Looking at shadows in the garden and drawing around them with chalk, you can then talk about the shapes that you can see
– Junk modelling
– Building activities
– Go for a walk in the woods
– Ice cream stall role play, you can make your own ice lollies using the recipe supplied and write out menu cards
-Talking about starting school and what the children are excited/nervous about
Please check the website for links to more resources
Reception Home Learning & Re-joiners
The reception children have started their new theme of “On The Move”. Last week the children explored moving through the air, learnt about Amelia Earheart and thought about when they have been brave like her. They imagined being able to fly and designed and made their own planes. They also looked at flying minibeasts and made their own wings.
As we welcomed children into the reception bubble in school, they explored bubble art and maths. This week they are exploring travelling on the water and linking with World Ocean Day.

Year 1 Home Learning & Re-joiners
Year 1 have been very busy producing some brilliant home learning.
The children have been learning their english, maths, science and humanities. They have also been making butterfly tables, designing zoo maps, going on minibeast hunts!

Year 2 Home Learning
Year 2 got last term off to a brilliant start by commemorating VE Day in different ways. Instead of their usual topic work, they had a go at “Make Do and Mend” where they made new toys with bits and pieces they found at home.
One of their Rye Writer challenges of the term was to imagine being an evacuee during the war and writing home to tell their families how excited they were for the war to end so they would be able to see them again.
The children even had a go at “Digging for Victory!’”and it appears that year 2 have green fingers. As their topic was “Ready… Steady… Grow!” they were super busy and grew many delicious crops to enjoy. Whilst they were planting, they also spent time finding out what plants need to grow: sun, light, food and water.

Year 3 Home Learning
Year 3 have been super busy and have had exciting news to share with their classmates! This included Archie welcoming the arrival of his baby brother. Congratulations to the family.
Seren completed an amazing map of Europe and went on to draw the alphabet in ancient Greek! And Honey created some lovely acrostic poems. Well done year 3!

Year 4 Home Learning
At the start of May, Orcas class enjoyed learning about VE Day and organising a home party. There was bunting, jam tarts and we sent Morse code messages!
The children have also been learning about mountains, the Amazon forest and the water cycle. They wrote some fantastic descriptive stories about it all. They found out how clever nature is and how animals and plants are adapted to their environment.
In Stingrays, Lorcan has been doing some amazing reading with beautiful expression (it was actually a video). George has been learning to cook (he made an amazing lunch for himself and his younger sister) and sent a ‘hug’ in the post to his great Granny who was missing his hugs! Charlie has done some fantastic maths work, he asked his whole family and football team some football related questions, then represented the results in a bar chart. He also made his own water clock with minutes marked on the side. Well done all of you!

Year 5 Home Learning
Year 5 have been working as hard as ever over the past term. They finished off their topic of allotments, with lots of the children growing and developing their own gardens and vegetable patches. Lots of the pupils took part in VE Day activities and tea parties with their families, creating bunting and carrying out their own research, too.
The topic for the Summer term is the ‘ancient Egyptians’, which they are already loving! There has been some Egyptian cookery, pyramid-making and hieroglyphic code-cracking already.

Year 6 Home Learning
It has been wonderful to see how much and how varied all the work that year 6 have been doing in term 5. From some wonderful poems and stories to engaging in some complicated maths works. And of course so many creative things in between, such as making a saw bench, upcycling a t-shirt, making hot chocolate in the style of the ancient Mayans, building their own bird feeder, learning to sew, building a model of the James Caird, VE Day social distancing street parties and producing some wonderful art work!
Source: Rye Primary School
Image Credits: Rye Primary School .