Do you have a garden, allotment or any growing space with more fresh produce than you need? Do you have a surplus of apples or cucumbers or anything else edible? Well, you can donate it to Rye Food Bank.
At present we receive generous donations of fresh produce from Hands of Hope charity, but could do with more!
Rye Food Bank is delighted to accept donations of locally grown fresh produce. Our families love getting any type of fresh vegetables to go with the tinned staples they receive. Fruit is also very popular.
Follow these easy steps to donate:
- Choose the fresh produce you would like to donate to Rye Food Bank.
- Pick any healthy undamaged produce that is ripe or close to being ripe.
- Depending on what you are harvesting, cut away or pull the produce. Look out for any yellowing or rotting. Remove any bits that are not suitable to eat.
- Gather all the produce and give it a good rinse. We want families to get the best fresh produce possible.
- Grab a container or bag that you are comfortable leaving at the food bank and place the fresh produce in it.
- Leave it at Rye Community Garden in Love Lane, Rye. The entrance is at the end of Love Lane, TN31 7NE. You can park outside the gates and a short walk down the path on the left of the entrance is the gazebo where there is a large table. Leave it on the table. All produce will be taken to the food bank on Wednesday mornings.
- Alternatively you can take your produce direct to the Baptist Hall yourself but only on a Wednesday morning.
A massive thank you to all our benefactors. Every donation, no matter how big or small, is greatly appreciated and we are so very blessed and fortunate to be able to run our food bank in the heart of such a generous community. Thank you all so much.
Contact details for Rye Food Bank
Phone: 07526 349847 or email:Â
We are open at the Baptist Hall, behind the church in Cinque Ports Street in Rye on Wednesdays from 9am for donations and the food bank is open from 1pm until 3pm. The Rye Food Bank phone number is not manned all the time, but you can leave a message and we will respond. Email is better and this is monitored several times during the day and in the evening.
Donations make a big difference
Monetary donations can be sent to the Bexhill Food Bank Rye Branch at Barclays Bank, sort code 20-54-25, account number 83501116, through the Jempson Foundation or cheques to Rye Food Bank c/o 24 North Salts, Rye. If you donate via the Jempson Foundation and are a taxpayer, gift aid can be applied, thereby increasing the value of the donation by 25% at no cost to the donor. If you make a bank transfer please do send us a message (via so we know who it is from and can send a receipt, if required.
If you need help from Rye Food Bank, contact Rother District Citizens Advice (CAB) on 01424 215055; email:, or the Hastings Advice & Representation Centre (HARC) on 0333 344 0681; email:
Image Credits: Mags Ivatts .