Rye Arts Festival Christmas cards 2021


The Tuesday Painters were both delighted and flattered that Rye Arts Festival asked them once again to design their Christmas cards for 2021, by means of a competition, having done the same last year. It is excellent that Arts Festival are supporting amateur artists  and the Tuesday Painters Club of Rye in particular.

This time, the challenge was to include town scenes of Rye. John Case, director of Rye Arts Festival, was impressed with the standard of entries and made all of us at the Tuesday Painters very happy with his approving comments.

In making their selection, John told me they were keen to opt for designs with a sense of Rye as a place, had a Christmas atmosphere, were colourful, bright and cheerful, possibly humorous and one chosen for a bit of blatant self-publicity! And why not?  A kind of personalised card after all.

Apparently, the three judges had a hard time choosing and came up with a shortlist of 12, no less, out of the 27 entries received. John had the final word and below are the four designs that will be sent out as e-cards to their 2000+ benefactors, friends, Rye Arts Festival’s general email list and corporate sponsors. No doubt about it: four designs of totally different character yet fulfilling the brief.

‘Snowing in Lion Street’ – Amanda Skinner
‘Christmas Eve, Lion Street’ – Rosie Frost
‘Santa on Call, St. Mary’s Church’ – Janet Haken

Image Credits: Tuesday Painters Club .

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  1. Just in case anyone might be interested in who each of the artists were, they are, in order of appearance here,
    Shirley Leslyn Sheppard: ‘Rye Deliveries’. Amanda Skinner: ‘Snowing in Lion Street’. Rosie Frost: ‘Christmas Eve, Lion Street’. and Janet Haken ‘Santa on Call’.

  2. To see more of the designs submitted to Rye Arts Festival, please visit facebook.com/TuesdayPaintersRye where we will be posting them right up until Christmas Eve.


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