A hundred years ago in flowers


The theme “One hundred years ago”  gave the  flower arrangers of St George’s Church at Brede  an opportunity to make varied and widely differing displays.

Formation of the RAF by Judy Edwards

The church was holding its 39th annual flower festival over the August Bank Holiday weekend, with all proceeds going towards the maintenance and upkeep of the church.

The arrangements ranged from the historical, such as “Votes for Women” by Nadia Florence-Marshall, which welcomed visitors into the church, to the “Formation of the RAF” and the amusing, “Harry Corbett and Sooty”.

Harry Corbett and Sooty by Deidre Bull and Jo Joyce

Always high quality, the church arrangements looked beautiful, full of vibrant colour and shape, beautifully displayed. As the organiser, Sue Sturmey said: “The arrangements were both imaginative and colourful and were enhanced by the other displays throughout the church.”

Father Martin Harper, in his introduction in the festival programme, reminded readers that a hundred years “is but a short time, given that the church has been here for nearer 1,000 years!’

For more information about St George’s Church, Brede, go to the website.

Photos: Gillian Roder

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