Rail station steps back in time


Rye station is holding a small exhibition of train and station memorabilia from February 20 until April 2. Local resident Stuart Searle has loaned the exhibits to provoke memories for travellers along the Marshlink line.

Kevin Barry, the Community Rail Development Officer for the Marshlink line said: “Stuart has been collecting train and station memorabilia for many years. He used to work along the Marshlink line and is very knowledgeable of its history. The hardest part of organising this exhibition was not what to put on display but what to leave out! With much more available it means we can hold these exhibitions on a regular basis.”

Kevin Boorman, the chair of the Marshlink community rail partnership, added: “Rye is a lovely, traditional station and Stuart’s memorabilia is just perfect here, and very nostalgic. We’re very grateful to Stuart for lending us some of his collection and to Kevin Barry for the work he has done to put this fantastic exhibition on. At 12 noon on Monday February 20, the Mayor of Rye will officially open the display and we are hoping Stuart will be able to attend, and talk about his collection.”

The photo is of Stuart Searle himself in uniform with part of his collection.



Photo: Sussex Community Rail Partnership

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