Yet more rubbish


We recently published an exchange of letters between a resident of West Street and RDC regarding rubbish collection – or the lack of it. It would seem that RDC do not learn by experience, as yet another letter from the same resident demonstrates – Ed.

Dear Ms Mason and Councillor Ampthill

Me again!

Your operatives failed yesterday to collect the general rubbish, which I reported to your website as requested. And they have failed to collect again today.

The good news is that it’s not just me who has to suffer from your failure to collect rubbish, as in a display of democratic disdain, all of West Street and Mermaid Street seem to have been left off your operative’s round this week! So the streets are full of sacks, forcing residents and tourists off the pavements onto the cobbles!

Were now in Hastings??!
We’re now in Hastings??!

Doesn’t make our town, which depends on tourism – and it is the peak time for tourists – look as though it cares about itself! But it is your paid job to clear the rubbish!

But, cunningly, the gull proof bags that are in evidence in upper West Street on the pavements – why just these houses?- have Hastings Borough Council logos boldly printed on them!

Have these people engaged in Brexit (Bexhill Rubbish exit) and joined up with Hastings in order to regain control – I seem to have missed the referendum?

Or, by distributing Hastings branded kit, are you engaging in dark ops to pass the blame for the collapse in the most basic council services to your socialist-controlled neighbouring borough?

I smell a rat – although that could just be the stench from the bags of rotting rubbish in the streets!

I note your website says you aim to collect the rubbish within five working days. Cunningly, that’s the date of your operative’s next scheduled collection. So, yet again, they don’t have to bother!


Andy Stuart

Photos: John Minter

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  1. Andy’s problems were resolved on Monday this week when Rother did collect his rubbish, but it took the District Council three days to even respond to his complaint.
    But rubbish is not the only area the council is rubbish at. I’ve asked for an updated rates bill as my circumstances have changed and, though they cashed my cheque (based on guesswork), I’ve yet to get an updated rates bill and I won’t be paying any more until they do so. And this is a council that claims it is short of cash !


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