Mayor’s anger at neglect


At the mayor-making ceremony last Monday May 18, Cllr Bernardine Fiddimore was acclaimed Rye town mayor for a second year, with Cllr Jonathan Breeds confirmed again as deputy. The mayoral oath to uphold ancient traditions was solemnly sworn in the presence of the newly elected town councillors and a chamber full of residents and dignitaries, all suitably attired, including the High Sheriff and various chairmen and mayors, or their deputies. Sam Souster’s absence was discreetly overlooked following his resignation almost immediately after his re-election to the Town Council, which may trigger a fresh local election.

The Town Clerk and the Mayor’s Sergeant were duly sworn in and the mayor’s mace bearers, chaplain and cadets were all duly appointed. In her mayoral address, Cllr Fiddimore spoke of how her sense of pride on appointment to office had changed perspective. “I began to be angered”, she said, “at the evident neglect of the town, and to relish the chance to get things moving, to adopt projects and see them through. The Neighbourhood Plan will go a long way towards protecting the town, but there are other ways as well, for example, through the efforts of the town steward”. The Mayor thanked all who had given her their support during the past year and welcomed the new councillors. The evening concluded with the traditional throwing of the hot pennies to an eager bevy of youngsters scrambling below.



Photo: Kenneth Bird

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