Pants off to Tesco!

Tesco Community Champion Lisa Noon shows off her knickers at the Hastings branch

The latest appeal to send clothes and other essentials to refugee camps in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Libya has been boosted by help from Tesco Extra in St Leonards. The company offered a discount and a gift card which meant that local organisers were able to send 171 pairs of pants off to Samara’s Appeal in the latest collection. Underwear had been one of the items that was particularly needed in this round as well as other good-quality clothes. Rye’s contribution is organised by Janet Waddams.

The cash needed to buy these garments had been raised partly by the sale of pussy hats, available from Savia, on Lion Street.

Sandra Lanigan, who with Judith Gibson and Joy Cartmale has knitted most of the hats said: “I am very grateful to Tesco, which with their charity discount and additional gift card, meant the money we had raised could go a lot further. We are very lucky to be in a position to be able to help people in need and are glad that Tesco helped top this up.”

Hand-made blankets are also sent to refugee camps, made by local people and also visitors who often leave wool and finished squares in St Mary’s church. This time many have made hand-knitted children’s jumpers which will be shipped to the camps in banana boxes. Sandra Lanigan said: “This is a splendid result from the people of Rye and their connections elsewhere, including those in the US.”



Photo: Sandra Lanigan

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  1. Well done Sandra and all the kind and industious people of Rye, plus visitors and others, who are ‘knitting’, ‘giving’ and ‘sending’ woolen items and clothing etc to refugee camps. You are doing a grand job!


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