Tiny trains steam into town


One  of the most unexpected and unique treats last year was the visit of the model railway show, including steam punk and Harveys brewery in Lewes sets as well as miniature models of Michael Portillo (every home should have one).
The good news is that the show is back and will be held 10am to 4:30pm at the Milligan Theatre,  The Grove on Saturday April 28.
Organiser Dakota Dibben told us that the event will feature around 20 model railway layouts, in a variety of scales from tiny N gauge to O gauge.

Clubs and modellers from around the South East are participating, with layouts including:
Cement works
  •  South East Cement, a fully working cement works.
  •  Landwasser, depicting the famous Glacier Express on the Rhaetian Bahn in South Eastern Switzerland – the slowest express in the world.
  •  Lakeside, based around Huntington Lake, high up in the Sierra Nevada of Southern California.
  •  The Volks Railway (the tramway on Brighton seafront).
There is free parking on-site at the school and a small admission charge.

Photos: Dakota Dibben

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