Official opening of Discovery Centre


The Sussex Wildlife Trust was delighted to welcome many honoured guests, including the Wildlife Trusts CEO Craig Bennett and RSPB chair Kevin Cox, to celebrate the official opening of Rye Harbour Discovery Centre on Thursday, September 30.

This flagship building provides a hub for visitors to the amazing mosaic of habitats that support so much rare wildlife on Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. It offers a valuable educational centre where people of all ages can learn about the special wildlife on the reserve.

Many key funders, donors and supporters were invited to this event to thank them for their invaluable contributions to this wonderful community facility, which will enable environmental understanding and action for many years to come.

Guests included vice Lord-Lieutenant of East Sussex Sara Stoner, mayor of Rye, Rebekah Gilbert, deputy mayor of Rye, Andi Rivett, Tony Lloyd, chair of the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve’s management committee, many members of the friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, including chair Cliff Dean, chair of the appeal board Alistair Fairley, pupils from Rye College, as well many of those who have supported the discovery centre in all kinds of ways.

The Rye Harbour Discovery Centre has been built thanks to a partnership between Sussex Wildlife Trust and the friends of Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, and the hard work of the appeal board. It was designed by Simpson & Brown and built by Baxall Construction.

Image Credits: Graham Franks , Sussex Wildlife Trust .

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