Action begins on the George


After nearly seven months of waiting and the hotel open to wind and rain, scaffolding is finally going up around the George in the High Street, so that work can soon begin.

Rye News has no firm schedule as yet but it is understood that the hotel is unlikely to re-open until the latter end of 2021.

Several High Street shops have cited the closing of the George as responsible for a significant downturn in trade, and one has already recently had to close. There is considerable concern among local traders about the effect that the prolonged closure of one of the town’s major hotels, combined with the inevitable disruption caused by building works, will have on their businesses.


Image Credits: John Minter .

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  1. Good grief. On one hand the traders are concerned about the hotel being closed, on the other concerned about the disruption from work needed to have it re-open?

    • …and on yet another (third) hand the traders rue the fact that the fire occurred in the first place. That’s the real cause of their understandable concern; the fire has created two equally unpalatable scenarios that may lead to business loss and which would not have arisen but for the fire.

      Just wondering whether the traders’ business interruption insurance would cover loss in these circumstances, but it might be considered too remote, I suppose.

  2. With the George closed and expected to be so over the best part of the next two years , the presence of their customers has disappeared along with their money spent in the shops and which inevitably will close some businesses . Rye already has the loss of the banks other than Nationwide. It has to be the height of stupidity to introduce an expensive parking scheme , which is likely to drive more visitors and tourists permanently away from Rye. Empty shops are not only unattractive they also indicate a net loss of business rate revenue . Every time you fine a motorist for a parking infringement it raises the question as whether they will choose to return to the town to spend their money. A polite/courtesy warden stopping vehicles parking on dangerous corners blocking bus routes and the free flow of lorries would be far cheaper than the proposed scheme.

  3. We couldn’t agree more with Patrick Cooke and we hope that the decision makers in this matter will take heed of these concerns. We need to do everything we can to encourage people to want to visit our delightful town rather than put obstacles in their way. The suggestion of a polite/courtesy warden is excellent.

  4. I’m sorry to say I don’t see a polite/courtesy warden in our future. Perhaps 5 or more predatory wardens out searching for transgressors and ready to issue fines to boost the pension funds of the council. I don’t think there is any interest in collecting a few pence from meters when pounds are available from fines.
    Will all the double yellow lines now be unavailable? I’m sure many will say they shouldn’t be used however, there are the three safe spaces opposite the dry cleaners, the many spots opposite the old post office and other short time stops will all be gone and with them many locals from surrounding villages that pop into Rye for purchases.

    • I’m not sure if this is a question raised from a christmas cracker or if you are referring to the double yellows painted by the owner of a local business to protect their bay from extended parkers.
      I guess this will also stop Jempsons van parking on the corner outside the Rye cafe on those doubles, so a small bonus.

    • Ok Andy,
      Schrödinger and a Peasmarsh local drive into Rye and park beside a new meter manned by a smartly dressed and newly named courtesy warden. The friendly warden asks them, “Are you staying long?” The local says, “We will park here in this space, but I can’t tell you for how long. And I don’t want to run out of time.” The warden replies, “Everything is prepaid here, so you will need to know before you can buy a ticket.” That puts the local into a bind, and he just doesn’t know what to do.

      Schrödinger turns to the warden and says, “Maybe I can help here.” He takes out a coin from his pocket and flips it, then catches it in his palm and covers it with his other hand. He says, “If it’s heads, my friend from Peasmarsh will stay for 4 hours. If it’s tails, he will stay for 1 hour. Okay?”

      The warden nods and looks at Schrödinger’s hands expectantly. “So what will it be then?”

      Schrödinger says, “It’s both 4 hours and 1 hour at the same time until I uncover my palm. But I am not going to.”

      The warden looks at the two and says, “You both must be physics geniuses. But time is relative, and so for you heavyweights, a ticket has already been issued.”


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