All change at the roundabout


At the Town Council Planning Committee meeting on Monday May 8, the committee will be considering an application from Skinners, who have moved to new premises in Rye Harbour, for the demolition of the existing garage workshop by the New Road roundabout, and erection of four new units with commercial use on the ground floor and residential on upper storeys.

The proposed works also include the refurbishment of the existing three-storey Costcutters commercial unit; creation of two new apartments on the first and second floors; the provision of six parking spaces and retention of one of the existing vehicle accesses to the site.

The Planning Committee will look at the impact of the development on views of the town and any impact on traffic and parking problems.


Photo: Rye News Library

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  1. If this development is passed by the town council, would love to see a proper path in front of this development, and bollards erected, or will we be seeing the same batent disregard, to pedestrians and motorists alike, as we are presently seeing on a regular basis, on the kettle of fish roundabout.


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