Cycle parking survey


Rother District Council (RDC) are consulting on your experiences of cycle parking in and around Rye and the survey aims to assess where there is currently sufficient and insufficient cycle parking in the Rother district and investigate where new cycle parking could be most beneficial.

The focus of the survey is on cycle parking facilities in residential areas, town centres and other local facilities, such as schools and colleges. The survey takes five minutes, can be accessed here and closes on Wednesday, March 31.

Image Credits: Kevin McCarthy .

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  1. Perhaps it would be wise to concentrate on safe cycle routes before cycle parking. Have you ever ridden a bicycle along the A259 into Rye from winchelsea? It’s terrifying!!

  2. Cycling is wonderful, it really is, and the benefits of pleasure and health are immeasurable. But Rye cyclists most usual routes out of town are via Military Road or the Sustrans cycle route towards Camber and beyond. It certainly is terrifying anywhere on A259.

  3. As a returning cyclist I can only agree with the above comments. The Sustrans routes available are safe places to cycle and more would be welcome. However I would like Rother council to take a proactive look at routes, maintenance, and a possible increase in use?

  4. I agree that safer cycle routes are a higher priority than parking, but the problem is that RDC has no control over building the former – yet. They are solely in the hands of ESCC, who are exclusively focussing on urban towns for the forseeable future and that means there is nothing in the pipeline for rural Rother. I have recently formed a new group, Rother Greenways, to try and change this narrative and create more traffic-free routes. Our website is not yet ready, however please email me if you’re interested in finding out more and helping us when we launch in a few weeks time. Meanwhile, it’s a good thing that RDC is being pro-active around cycle parking – it all helps. Please respond positively to their survey that we want better facilities.

  5. I have only just seen the Feb 18th post about the cycle path to Dumb Woman’s Lane, and this is a copy of my comment: This track is in a shocking condition as is the NCN2 from Rye to Camber. Under the Highways Act 1980 where a Highways Authority fails to maintain an ‘out of repair’ public maintainable highway (which this is), members of the public an serve them with a Section 56 notice which gives them 6 months to repair the problem. If this fails to happen, the complainant may apply to the magistrate’s court for an Order to compel them to do so (if the court agrees that the ROW is indeed out if repair).
    If anyone wants to join Rother Greenways in pushing for meaningful change, please email

  6. The full length of the Harbour Road has a cycle track/path that is now clear and safe but how many Lycra clan cyclist use it?
    Two reasons, one is that it doesn’t allow them to cycle at the speed they like to maintain and the other which can be a valid point is that the factory entrances can be dangerous, cyclist and pedestrians have to give way to traffic entering and leaving, I’ve seen a few close shaves over the years.
    It took a loss of life to get it and we certainly don’t want to see another with someone using it.
    So what’s the answer?
    You’ll need to ask the people you voted for to get that one.

    • I’d agree that a lot of more serious cyclists don’t use the path but that’s their prerogative but I think if you’ve got a safe route, use it.
      I’m a Rye Wheeler and if our club ride takes us to Rye Harbour, we use it. In fact, it was the Wheelers’s President ( Jim Hollands) who pushed to get the path built. He liaised with the companies along the harbour road and with ESCC to ensure that project would go ahead.

      We also use the path from Lydd to Rye despite it being totally unsuitable for road bikes we’re always prone to punctures.

      There seems little point in worrying about parking your bike if people won’t cycle because there’s insufficient safe routes.
      The government keep banging on about obesity and people to do more exercise but fail to support it.
      Not wishing to repeat myself but the paths to Lydd and particularly Winchelsea are appalling, I know it won’t happen but spend the money on the paths not bike sheds.

      Finally, it’s worth completing the survey as you can make comments regarding cycle paths.


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