Emergency services day


It was so lovely to see so many families turn out to the emergency services day at Littlestone and see children in particular interacting with the crews. Educating children has so many positive paybacks throughout their lives. The crews of police, fire, ambulance, coastguard, lifeguards and more, had unending patience and answered their questions throughout the day.

The highlight for many children and adults was the display from the three lifeboats, inshore Atlantic 85s from RNLIs Rye Harbour and Littlestone, and the graceful Shannon from Dungeness. The Shannon class is the first modern all-weather lifeboat to be propelled by waterjets instead of traditional propellers, making her agile and manoeuvrable. The crew from Dungeness showed off its capabilities. The Atlantic 85 is one of the fastest in the RNLI fleet.

The pictures tell the story far better than any words.

Image Credits: Kt bruce , Tia Bolton .

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