Globe revises extension plan


The Globe Inn on Military Road has resubmitted their planning application to reconfigure and increase the size of the internal area as well as build a new two-storey extension adjacent to the main building. The new building will contain a garage/storeroom on the ground floor and studio/workshop on the first floor.

The Globe’s previous planning application, covered in Rye News contained incorrect plans and omitted to include the first floor extension above the proposed new garage/store room.

The Globe Inn’s plans
The Globe Inn’s revised plans

While the previous application had elicited local support with a number of neighbours writing in with supportive comments the current application has already received an early objection from the Rye Conservation Society which has raised concerns with the increase in the size of the pub, which will in turn lead to an increase in demand for local parking.

They also point out that no parking has been provided for the proposed first floor studio. Their final concern relates to the potential “overdevelopment” of the site.

Image Credits: Kevin McCarthy , Rother District Council , RDC planning portal .

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