Have your say on cuts


East Sussex residents are being asked for their views on possible changes to library opening hours. The consultation started on Monday, January 11, and residents will have 12 weeks to tell East Sussex County Council (ESCC) how they use libraries and the impact the proposed changes would have on them.

“It’s really important that residents tell us what they think,” said Cllr Chris Dowling, lead member for community services. “We are having to make some really tough decisions to make an unprecedented level of savings over the next three years and are having to look at the way in which every council service is delivered.”

To comment on the proposals, residents can visit www.eastsussex.gov.uk/haveyoursay or pick up a questionnaire from their local library.  The consultation will close on Sunday, April 3.

ESCC has to make savings of up to £90million between April 2016 and March 2019. This is due to a reduction in central government grants and an increase in the number of people relying on council services. The savings expected over the next three years are on top of £78 million the council has already saved since 2010.

Councils have been told they can increase council tax by up to four per cent this year in order to protect certain services and some have already decided to do so.

[Source: ESCC]


Photo: Kenneth Bird

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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