Pastors looking to help


Rye and District Street Pastors have issued their first report, reviewing events since their foundation in May.

Mixed teams of men and women patrol the streets of Camber and Rye between 10pm and 4am on alternate Fridays and Saturdays respectively, helping people in need. Teams of Prayor Pastors also work from the Methodist church over the same period, supporting their colleagues on the streets.

The Pastors deliberately seek out spots where there may be a problem, for example with late night drinking.

They carry a number of items with them, including coffee and tea, instant soups and foil blankets, but the most well known are flip flops – for ladies in distress due to painful high heels – and lollipops. “Hi Street Pastie [sic], can I have a lollipop?” is apparently a popular refrain.

The Street Pastors had a busy time on Rye Bonfire Night, November 14, with three teams of five people on the street, reinforced by volunteers from Bexhill and Hastings. More than 100 lollipops were given out that night, and three people were taken home. In quiet moments, the Pastors kept themselves busy and picked up 180 discarded bottles.

The Pastors were very pleased to be given a “Godmobile” earlier this year by Sussex Police, who are very appreciative of their work. This is used to help people get home when there is no alternative public transport. Jempsons, Skinners and Care Signs also support the car’s running costs.



Photo: Seana Lanigan

Image Credits: Street Pastors .

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