Roadworks arrive with winter


As in theory there are fewer visitors and vehicles around in winter, out come the “traffic diverted” signs – though all the official notices advertising the work come with a warning that the timing and length of the diversions is uncertain “depending on weather conditions”. So you have been warned.

Highways England, for example, is planning to completely close sections of the A259 between Rye and Pevensey at some point overnight (8pm to 6am) in a five week period starting next Monday, January 13.

But the work will be done in sections (the nearest being from Rye to the outskirts of Hastings) and that could involve diversions via Northiam according to the official notice.

Such overnight closures will affect side roads and bus stops and, if the weather causes delays, the work might take up to 18 months. For more information contact Highways England at the customer contact centre 0300 123 5000 or

At a much lower level of disruption East Sussex County Council (ESCC) has road closures affecting Houghton Green Land in Playden and Martineau Lane on the edge of Hastings while BT lays down cables between Monday, January 6 and Friday, January 10 (or longer, depending on the weather).

Meanwhile on the Ashford side of the A259 the road will be closed overnight on Wednesday, January 29 from 11pm to 5:30am for work to be done on the Brooklands level crossing, but depending on the weather it might take longer.

And back in Rye town centre, ESCC will be busy overnight between 8pm and 6am in Hilders Cliff, the High Street and The Mint sorting out the kerbs between Monday, January 20 and Monday, January 27, and resurfacing the road between Monday, February 17 and Friday, February 21.

Any cars that have not been removed and are in the way of the roadworks will be removed.

Image Credits: Seana Lanigan .

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