Rother’s double double dealing?

 I feel that I should comment on your recent story Rother’s double dealing.

Double dealing is really only the half of it because it is fairly well known that the Environment Agency being strapped for cash by central government are encouraged to seek contributions towards flood defence works from any developer who could benefit from those flood defence works. To that end the Environment Agency are known to have been in dialogue with at least one representative of a potential developer to offset their costs on improving the eastern Rother flood defence which abuts the Camber Fields.

Rother are marketing this land extremely hastily as being of low grade agricultural use but surely the environment agency and perhaps developers have been in touch with Rother’s planning department to discuss their proposals and no doubt the planning department have this site pencilled in for development? Obviously any bidder at an auction in the know would know that this low value agricultural land, once it had planning permission on it, would give them an immense profit at the expense of the Rother Council tax payer.

Why are they selling Camber Fields as agricultural land? JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?

I call upon Rye’s Rother District Councillors to call a stop to this sale right now pending a lot more information being gathered together.

Paul William Carey

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  1. I feel this should be kept for even just the nature it gives us .If it is built on it will be a sad day for Rye and also it’s environment as well

  2. Has any thought been given to the use of the Localism Act 2011? Sections 87 and the following sections could be useful. I am thinking of the procedure known as “community nomination”.

  3. Localism Act 2011? There is also the Rye Neighbourhood Plan which allows the community to influence any development on this and other sites within Rye Parish . The current draft text, on our website, does indeed address this.



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