Silence follows big bangs


Rye has a busy weekend with two contrasting events – one extremely noisy and the other very quiet. Saturday, November 9 is bonfire parade night and the following Sunday is Remembrance Day with a minute’s silence at 11 o’clock.

The first (whatever the weather, and some years have been very wet) features a noisy procession around town of bonfire societies with flaming torches and very loud drummers, while the second features more stately processions of uniformed organisations and town councillors to St Mary’s Church with the laying of wreaths at the war memorial after the service.

The first ends at the Salts on the riverside having set off around 7:50pm from Tilling Green to process around the town to the bonfire and the firework display around 9pm.

The main A259 through Rye will be closed, there will be bus diversions, and trains coming into and leaving Rye are expected to be very full – and there is usually a strong police presence.

The streets are normally packed with people, bringing a pushchair is unwise, and there will be marshals and barriers to ensure people are safe. Fireworks, including sparklers, are not allowed in the crowd areas as this is illegal and can be dangerous – and this will be enforced.

There will be lots of noise, fire, smoke and very loud bangs – and pets should be kept well away.

The finishing time is flexible, but everything will have to be cleared away by the following morning when the uniformed organisations gather at Adams in the High Street at 10:30am before marching past the town hall to salute the mayor and then go into St Mary’s behind the town hall at the top of Lion Street for the service.

If you want to attend the service, the church is usually packed and you need to be seated by 10:45am. Wreath laying takes place at the war memorial in the churchyard (behind St Mary’s) immediately after the service.

The Colours are lowered for the Last Post on Remembrance Sunday last year

Image Credits: Rye & District Camera Club , Kenneth Bird .

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  1. Regarding the Bonfire Celebrations, congratulations to the Rye Bonfire Society for putting on such a good show. The procession was very atmospheric as usual and the firework display was fantastic. It was well worth waiting for in the pouring rain. If the society collected a good amount in donations it is well-deserved.
    Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Remembrance Service in Rye as my presence was required at another Remembrance Service, but Rye was blessed with beautiful weather and I’m sure it was a dignified and moving occasion as always. Although not physically in Rye, it was a comfort to be united across the miles in the universal act of remembrance and the two minute silence. I hope that ‘we will remember them’ always and this will lead us to work for peace, justice and freedom in our community and beyond.


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