Stop press – nearly


This week’s Rye News nearly did not arrive, as my computer ceased to function Wednesday morning, and the problem seemed to be my internet connection – and, being ancient, my first assumption was that I had done something wrong – like pressing the wrong key! A far too frequent happening.

But the thing in the hall (a “router” is the term I am told) was flashing red so possibly I was not at fault. And I then discovered from my gardener (at nearly 80 I am not digging up clay) that his household was also cut off so perhaps there was a local problem around Valley Park in Rye.

And as the day went on I heard Rye’s mayor was also cut off – as was much of Tilling Green. But some of Rye News volunteers (working, they said, in Ashford and London) were still checking and polishing stories.

This morning however the red light still flashed on my router – so I went to Jempson’s to refresh my drinks cupboard and, on my return, all was well again – though the final hours of this edition have been a bit rushed, so forgive any mistakes please.

And the problem apparently was even wider than I thought as apparently it centred on the Rye exchange but, and here I quote, “damage to a section of cables on the Openreach network” had allegedly caused the problem which had apparently affected people in Littlestone, Lydd, St Mary’s Bay, Peasmarsh and bits of Ashford as well as the wrong side of the tracks in Rye, ie Valley Park.

So hopefully you will be reading this week’s edition of Rye News on time – though a few stories lurking in my much delayed emails this morning will have to wait until next week.

One bit of good news, before I discovered I was safely back on online, yesterday was the sight in Rye’s Thursday market of the garden stall with lots of plants. Spring must definitely be on the way – and the world is slowly getting back to normal, I hope.

Image Credits: RMA .

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