A weekly event


How would you like to clear this up all week? A reader comments on the mess by the Sports Centre in The Grove in Rye

Image Credits: Joyce McLeman .

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  1. Perhaps yet another CCTV camera should be set up here to identify the ‘fly tippers’, because that’s what they are. Those council workers who clear this up week on week deserve better than this!

  2. We were surprised to be charged a £4 fee for depositing a small cloakroom basin at the Mountfield tip, it was classed as ballast.
    This is not going to encourage anyone to dispose of their household waste sensibly.

  3. It is BOTH.
    A lack of sufficient facility.
    Improper use of recycling.
    Plus. The change in collection. They used to separate bottles from cardboard. Now huge cardboard boxes take up all the space and people put black bin rubbish in recycling.

    I have a weekly doorside collection. Why don’t they?


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