To review or not to review?


A few weeks ago I voiced an opinion on electric cars and their associated problems, and in that article, commented that I had contacted our ESCC councillor to ask not only about a proposed scheme to install charging points but also enquired when the promised review of the civil parking enforcement (CPE) scheme was to take place.

To date – and sadly, somewhat predictably – I have received no answer from Councillor Keith Glazier, however there has been a partial success in jogging someone’s memory, as most Rye households should now have received a card from the county council inviting them to take part in a survey on parking.

So far so good, so let’s see what questions they are asking. And on accessing the survey my first thought was of the explanation, in his own inimitable way, by Sir Humphrey in the TV series Yes Minister on how one could always get the answer one wanted by the way the questions were asked.

The survey appears to be conducted by an outside agency, who will not necessarily know anything about Rye or the town’s specific circumstances, and we are asked to access it by typing in a web address so long that one almost loses the will to live by the time the address is complete (we have included a link, above, to save you wearing out your fingers). In fairness, I should mention that there is also a QR code for those who have the required app on their phone.

The survey is a digital one and although a paper copy is advertised for those who do not have access to the internet, this can only be obtained by a request via email, which, of course requires access to the internet, thus already ruling out a proportion of potential replies.

Having finally arrived at the survey page, we are asked to register, giving our name, email, gender and age. At last we then get to the questions: question 1 asks who we are – resident, visitor, commuter etc. Question 2 is how often do we come into the town centre and question 3 asks what means of transport (if any) we use. Question 4 simply asks if we have any further comments. And that is it. The same information could probably have been obtained in a five minute phone call to the town hall.

The survey specifically states that it is only concerned with the town centre and is not interested in comments on the cost of parking.

It is impossible to tell whether this is the promised review or whether it is designed to be just part of the review. I can see how answers to the questions might be useful but it is noteworthy that it leaves out three areas that caused considerable discussion by Rye Town Council before it withdrew its support for CPE prior to its implementation:

  • cost of parking
  • time allowed
  • where do vehicles now displaced from the town centre park?

The cost, in fact, is not unreasonable, the time allowed to park has certainly caused problems for some of those who live and work in the CPE controlled zone, but the big one that was flagged by the town council on several occasions and has been totally ignored by ESCC both in planning and implementation of CPE, is what happens to vehicles that no longer can, or for cost reasons do not want to, park in the centre?

The answer, of course is that they simply go to the periphery of the town and clog up roads there. The parking problem hasn’t been solved, just moved on. This was predicted but at the time all the town got from Councillor Glazier was a promise to review “in a year” (and we are well over that, now – and no, councillor, Covid is not a valid excuse) and a complete lack of interest of what might happen in the meantime.

It is time for Councillor Glazier to explain – through Rye News, if he wishes – exactly what he proposes to do to remove the problems caused by CPE, which are causing an extreme nuisance in roads outside the centre. It is no good ignoring the questions we ask, councillor, it is time we heard from you. We know you are a busy man as leader of ESCC, but your constituents didn’t vote for you to become leader, they voted for you to represent them. They, and their interests, should come first. The excuse that you once gave to me, following a Rye Town Council meeting that, as leader you have many more important things crossing your desk, is simply not acceptable.

Image Credits: RTC .

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  1. Well said John minter, maybe,just maybe Keith Glazier as our elected representative, will now show an interest, and start replying to readers concerns,who voted for him to represent our town.

  2. As the photo used for this article is of Rye high street, is someone proposing electric car charging points might also be planned for that area? Now that the ugly new car parking payment meters are installed let’s go the whole hog and let the NCP build a multi-storey car park on the high street too. Is there some kind of perverse desire to destroy the appearance of the historical centre of Rye? Here’s a crazy mad idea, totally left field, how about sticking charging points at the Cinque Ports car park, train station car park, Gibbet Marsh car park, Rye Bowling Green car park. Or would that be too inconvenient for electric car owners?

  3. ‘Having finally arrived at the survey page, we are asked to register, giving our name, email, gender and age.’

    That is when my patience came to an end.
    I left the ‘survey’.

    • I have filled out the form using the link in the post. I was not asked for my name, email, gender or age. If you care about the way Rye is being destroyed for the sake of vehicle parking please try again using the link.

  4. Andrew , I tried a few times today to get on the site from a link on a postcard I got did not work.
    I emailed and got the correct link..and there you click on survey, but if you scroll down further , yes you are asked for age gender ext..I tried but it would not age stayed on gender! IT !!
    So I just went to the survey link..and answered the four questions..and commented like you did.
    I am not sure what benefit there is in the survey . Only if those who live out side of Rye do the survey. And there is large enough response to make it worth get a comprehensive list views.

    So Joyce could have another go. With out entering her personal details.

  5. I have the benefit of a laptop. I clicked the link John has so helpfully provided. That took me to the survey. As requested I identified myself as a resident who walks to the town centre at least twice a week, left my comments at the end, submitted it and that was that. It didn’t ask for any personal details at all. I wonder if perhaps they have updated it?

  6. Are there really many cars displaced from parking? To me the spaces in the High Street are as just as well used as they ever were.
    (Certainly those cars previously left permanently on the High Street have had to move (a good thing!)


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