Use it or lose it


Cinemas, like theatres, have problems with social distancing in the current pandemic and very small cinemas may have even more problems in covering their costs, but Rye’s Kino was often also a social meeting place – and it seems a pity in this holiday period of good weather that it has stayed completely closed.

Good use of its outside space has been made since it opened, and many businesses in Rye and the surrounding area have made – and are making – better use of their outside spaces in order to cope with social distancing requirements.

It is understandable that some buildings can make it very difficult to manage social distancing – and St Mary’s Tower in Rye and the Ypres Castle are probably very good examples of that – but organisations are using their imaginations to find ways of opening up safely, and Rye’s East Street Museum may soon be an example of this.

Another possibly could be Lamb House where it is strange that the National Trust have not considered a ground floor and garden tour making use of the garden café.

So it is sad to see the Kino totally shut and silent for so long given the effort put into bringing a cinema back to Rye – and let’s hope more venues can find imaginative ways of re-opening, even if it is only partial.

Image Credits: J. Minter .

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  1. There are all manner of establishments we would love to use in Rye, but when they remain closed it makes it rather difficult.


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