Community day at Museum


Rye Museum in East Street organised an open day on Saturday, June 23, with a tombola and stalls selling books, gifts and  children’s games. Inside the museum were tasty cakes, teas and plants.

Rye Castle Museum is a small, accredited museum which receives no government money nor council financial support. Jo Kirkham, chair of the Trustees, explained: “We get no official financial help to maintain the Museum and the Ypres Tower (Rye Castle) which means we rely on membership, interesting talks, visitors’ receipts, successful grant applications and funds raised by volunteers and members, as on this open day.” The day raised about £400.
Rye Castle Museum exists to provide access to a scheduled monument and a collection of artefacts. Heritage Lottery and EU grants have made it possible to restore the Women’s Tower of the Rye Castle complex with displays relating to women and children. An entirely voluntary organisation, the museum needs everyone’s support. The museum is open every weekend from 10:30am to 5pm from April to October. For more information on joining, volunteering or the talks go to or email:

Photos: Heidi Foster

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