Oodles of Doodles


Over 20 Doodles joined the monthly walk at Camber on Sunday September 1 and had a fun run in the sun.

The Doodle walk takes place on the first Sunday of the month and it is a wonderful sight to see so many dogs romping on the sand and splashing around in the sea. Doodles are dogs that have an element of poodle in them. Popular types are labradoodles (labrador and poodle cross), cockapoos (cocker spaniel and poodle cross) and cavapoos (cavalier King Charles spaniel and poodle cross).

Dogs and their owners meet at 10:30am at Section D of the beach at Camber, weather permitting, with the next walk due to take place on Sunday October 6. There are also Doodle walks at Brede High Woods and rail trips on the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch railway’s “Doodle Express”. For further details see www.camberdoodles.org.uk and Rye News’ article Dashing Doodles at Camber.

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