Snowdrops mark winter opening


As you drive into Northiam from Rye and turn left, following the signs for Great Dixter House and Gardens, you go up Dixter Lane and at the top, reach the drive to enter the property. All along its edges are the fragile white snowdrop flowers, gleaming in the sunshine, or shining in the headlights. What a joy at this cold, dank time of year! So many, too, up the slope to the left by the pond, with one or two frail crocuses raising their heads and along each side of the track. Soon there will be more, as well hellebores and spring flowering shrubs.

Snowdrops show their beauty

Why not come and see Christopher Lloyd’s winter garden at Dixter? Now managed by Fergus Garrett, as in Lloyd’s time, you can see the structural aspects of the garden, the trees and shrubs. Look at the beautifully constructed walls round the Solar garden facing the front of the house, for instance, and marvel at the beauty of the early flowers.

Fergus Garrett says: “Everything is underplanted with bulbs,” so come and see for yourself.

There are two winter opening weekends for you to make the trip to see the garden, Saturday and Sunday February 25 and 26 and Saturday and Sunday March 4 and 5 from 10am to 4pm. The shop and nursery will be open.

Entry is £5 for adults, children free. Annual ticket holders and Friends enter free. Remember, no dogs, the resident dachshunds don’t appreciate competition!

Photos : Gillian Roder

Image Credits: Gillian Roder .

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