Olde pubs – prize quiz


We’re determined to do our bit for Christmas. A touch of sober reading is our offering. But our chosen title is unlikely to stay the hand on the drinks cabinet, nor stall walks to a bar before or after a large lunch. We have managed to persuade David Russell (not the Rother councillor) to part with three signed copies of his latest work:  The Pubs of Rye, East Sussex, 1750-1950. The three are offered as prizes in a quiz. To Rye residents. Moreover, if you live within easy walking distance of one of our editorial team, you’ll have the book for Christmas, to keep or to give to someone with a greater liking for liquid pastimes.

The questions are the multichoice variety. Which makes it a tad easier if you’ve been to the office party. They are set, with a degree of cunning, by our Seana Lanigan. Answers by email – for example, if you think the answer to the first question is The Ship, your answer should be written 1b. Include your full name, your full address and telephone number. Send to info@ryenews.org.uk before December 15. On that day, a few days before we take a Christmas break ourselves, all the answers will be checked, correct entries printed out and put in an empty ice bucket – and the first three, drawn at random, shall win. No complaints. No hecklers. And no wassailing will be tolerated. On that note of humbug, we leave you with the quiz:

1 A member of the infamous Hawkhurst smuggling gang looking for a crafty pint and a plot in 1735 would be most likely to go to?
a The Mermaid
b The Ship
c The Ypres Castle Inn?

2 If you were dining at the Queen Adelaide pub on Ferry Road, Rye, what would you most likely be scoffing?
a A Ginsters pasty, chips and gravy
b Une assiette de fromage et charcuterie
c Spaghetti bolognaise?

3 Which leading media group is currently running a sloe gin competiton?
a The BBC
b The Daily Mail
c Rye News

The Pubs of Rye, East Sussex, 1750-1950, a paperback, is 282pp, price £13.99. Available from the publisher in Hastings. See its website for details. See also a review by Kenneth Bird, Drink up facts on pubs of the past.

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