Rye Runner Phil excels in Hastings


Rye put in a decent performance at this year’s Hastings Half Marathon last Sunday March 20 – notably Rye Runner Phillip Greenough who finished in 1 hour 28 minutes.

The steep hill shortly after the start sorts the men from the boys (and the birds - this seagulls appears to be about to eat the runner in front)
The steep hill shortly after the start sorts the men from the boys (and the birds – this seagull appears to be about to eat the runner in front)

Fellow members of Rye Runners followed – Andy Holmes in 1:43, Gary Bourne in 1:42, Ted Wilson in 1:47, Paul O Brian in 1:50, Leanne Gammon in 1:54, Peter Cross, Renee Shanks, Jess Benn, Mark Taylor, Cathy Burke and Katy Gurney.

Oh, and there was me, in a time of 1 hour 50 minutes. This race was part of our training for this year’s London Marathon.

Also representing Rye, was Head Chef at The Mermaid, and my brother in law, Ben Fisher. He entered the race as a bet after The Mermaid beat Rye Runners at this year’s Scallop Race.

He finished in a respectable 2 hours 16, despite having a smoking habit and having done no training whatsoever.

Also running was Martin Chidgey from The Ambrette in 1:45 ; Willow Winton who ran in aid of Oliver Curd Trust ; Audrey Haffenden, Mark Haffenden, Jodie Croutch, Kenny Butchers, Michelle Cordeaux, Arthur Wood, Adam Crisp, Debbie Clayton, Dave Robus and, from The Gallivant, Christian Thwaites, who ran in aid of the Rocking Horse Children’s Charity.

The masses cross the railway - with a long way still to go
The masses cross the railway – with a long way still to go



Photos: Vanessa Fowler. Title Image: John Bridger

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