60 years of Sussex Churches Trust


The church of St Thomas a Becket at Winchelsea (to use its full title) hosts a gathering next Monday September 19 of the Friends of Sussex Historic Churches Trust. This marks the 60th year since the Trust was founded and started making grants, during which time it has assisted more than 500 churches throughout Sussex, helping fund repairs and conservation.

The programme starts at 11am with a guided tour of the church led by Dr Nicola Coldstream, medieval architecture historian and president of the British Archaeological Association. This event is available only to members of the Friends, though new members are invited to join. After a picnic lunch in the churchyard (bring your own) Professor Richard Marks, keeper of works of art at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge,will give a talk open to everyone entitled Wills Walls and Windows in the presence of The Rt Revd Martin Warner, Bishop of Chichester. The events are free of charge but donations towards the work of the Trust will be gratefully received.

Photo: Richard Comotto

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