Planting a tree for posterity


Brede Women’s Institute planted a tree on Saturday, November 19, on land owned by a WI member, adjacent to a footpath leading to St George’s Church, Brede. The ceremony took place in sunshine and clear skies, which made the inscription on the plaque to mark the occasion, ‘Planted by Brede WI in support of The Climate Coalition and in appreciation of our beautiful environment,’ seem even more appropriate.

Earlier in the year, all WIs were circulated by the National Federation to inform them that the WI was joining The Climate Coalition, along with approximately 100 other like-minded organisations consisting of environment and development charities, unions, faith, community and women’s groups, as well as organisations for young people, such as the Scouts. This collaboration means that The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group of people working together to highlight their concerns about climate change, and their desire to demonstrate their love and appreciation of their local area, by arranging an appropriate event, to which all members of the local community would be invited.

Gill Nokes, chairman of East Sussex W I Federation (l) with Beryl Jenkins, President of Brede W I (r)
Gill Nokes, chairman of East Sussex W I Federation (left) with Beryl Jenkins, President of Brede W I

As our contribution here in Brede, our WI decided we would like to plant a tree in a spot where we could watch it grow and develop and where it could be appreciated by residents, their families and friends. We are extremely lucky that one of our members, Pat Whately, willingly agreed for this to take place on her land, which she is happy to make available to dog walkers and local people who appreciate our lovely environment.

We decided we wanted to do the job properly and sought the advice of The Woodland Trust and High Weald Area of Outstanding Beauty Unit, who provided us with a shortlist of suitable trees for our chosen plot. Brede WI members voted from the options and the runaway winner was a Field Maple, which has dark green, shiny leaves, which fade to a rich golden yellow in the autumn.

We were delighted that the Chairman of the East Sussex Federation of WIs, Gill Nokes, accompanied by the Second Vice Chairman, Anita Jobling, accepted our invitation to join us for this event. Gill initiated the planting, followed by assistance from others present, including Brian Griffiths, the Rother District Council Officer with responsibility for Woodlands and the Environment.

Thank you to Brian Griffiths, local residents and Brede WI members who supported and provided encouragement for this project. We are particularly grateful to Pat Whately for so willingly agreeing to the original suggestion, her co-operation with all the arrangements and her hospitality back at her home after the planting, when those present appreciated the coffee, cake and conviviality of the occasion. It is hoped that all local residents will enjoy seeing our tree flourish in the coming months and years.


Photo: Brede W.I.

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