Eyes down please


One can’t say too much about Timberlina’s Bingo Night as it will spoil the surprise for those who will go to one in the future. To say it is different, to say it is fun, is an understatement.

There was one particular table that was having the time of their lives, and this is what they wrote after their first foray into Bingo with a capital B.

Bingo sheets at the ready, music swelled and Timberlina was expertly introduced by Timberlina. The bingo began. Folie à plusieurs is a name given to a shared madness, and though I am obviously using it in a tongue-in-cheek context here, it fits rather well.

For those that have not encountered the whirling wildness of a bingo night in Rye, I can only offer the advice to go with it. Sing as loudly as you can to theme tunes of your childhood, be prepared to find yourself dancing in your chair, and for goodness sake, do not suggest you have a full house unless you are sure of it. Game of Thrones has nothing on Timberlina when it comes to rituals of shame.

With prize highlights such as furry toilet seats, or home-grown spider plants, this is not your parents’ bingo. Instead, it is a thoroughly exhilarating night of nonsense choreographed brilliantly by an expert performer. Supported by Aunty Maureen (who later steps into their own spotlight for post-bingo dancing), Timberlina’s Drag Bingo is an evening of irreverent joy which demands that hair is let down and voices are turned up.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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