A quiz for local know-it-alls


Sharpen your wits and test your local knowledge in our New Year quiz. There are no prizes. Knowing the answers will be reward enough.

  1. Rye Baptist Church opened in: 1906, 1908 or 1910?
  2. Adams of Rye have been printers since: 1803, 1823, 1853 or 1903 ?
  3. Rye Golf Club was formed in: 1890, 1892 or 1894?
  4. How many times did John Wesley visit Rye: 8, 10, 12 or 14 times?
  5. The present cannon in Rye Gun Garden were installed to celebrate what?
  6. On Boxing Day, to score a goal three teams in Winchelsea have to try to seize what?
  7. How many times do the quarter boys on St Mary’s Church, Rye, strike on the hour?
  8. Which Romney Marsh landmark was opened by The Prince of Wales in 1904?
  9. What was the name given to the Rope Walk Shopping Centre building when it was erected in 1873?
  10. In the 1950s how did Billy Bunter and Mr Pastry light up the town?
  11. On which building is there a memorial to Queen Victoria’s consort, Prince Albert?
  12. In Rye the lightest one weighs 6cwt 5lb and is 19in high; the heaviest weighs 19cwt 27lb and is 48in high. There are eight of them in total. What are they?
  13. Where is William IV’s wife still commemorated in Rye?
  14. What is the most direct route from the Crown Inn to the Standard Inn?
  15. There are three officially named passages and one unofficially named passage in Rye, name them.
  16. How many estate agencies are there in Rye?
  17. Can you name the roads or streets in Rye that are prefixed with the word The?
  18. In Rye, which is the odd one out and why: West Street, East Street, Market Street or Tower Street?
  19. Name the currently trading shops in the High Street that have Rye in the name of their shop.
  20. What do Strand, Land, Baddings and Postern have in common?

To view the answers, hit this link


Photo: Tony Nunn

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