Sing, Sing, Sing with the Music Well


The Music Well is now providing three singing groups to cater for a wide range of ages and needs. The Singing for Well Being Group takes place every Tuesday down at the Scout Hut and runs from 12:45pm-2:15pm. Louise Fletcher, our singing leader, inspires everyone with her enthusiasm and wide knowledge of many songs, catering for all tastes. This group has been running for a while now and has a great attendance.

We have just completed a short course of Singing For Better Breathing and are setting up another to run in September. This is open to everyone too but has an emphasis on simple breathing exercises and songs chosen to support those with lung problems of one sort or another. This group is run by Sadie Hurley, who has special knowledge and experience in this area. People find the joy of this singing can mean needing less medication for breathing difficulties and greater capacity to enjoy life.

We have also been running an after-school singing club for the primary school in Rye led by Marian Ham, an experienced musician and former headteacher with wide experience of the children’s requirements, and of providing musical support for those with special needs.

They have been singing since April and we are always trying to swell their numbers. They are shortly to perform for the older citizens at Magdala and Devonport Houses as well as providing uplift for the school fair and The Music Well’s Open Garden on July 14. The children have really enjoyed incorporating some percussion work with their singing.

The Music Well is also planning for a Dementia Choir to support sufferers and their carers/families.

If you would like to join any of these groups or find out more please get in touch with us at or on 01797 223920.

Image Credits: Liz Butt .

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