Celebration at St Anthony of Padua


Last Sunday, the Catholic parish of St Anthony of Padua in Watchbell Street celebrated the arrival of their new parish priest, Father Maximillian McKeowan OFM (Conv.) who has already made a very positive impact with his enthusiasm and energy, tackling of some of the structural problems of the church building.

Two visiting priests also came to join the celebration: Father Maximillian Martin and Father Colin Edwards who are based in Waterloo.

Father Max hails from Scotland and has spent time in ministry in Scotland, northern England, Africa and Ireland before his posting to Rye. He is a drone enthusiast and has already flown a drone over the roof of St Anthony’s to check out the necessary repairs to the church roof.

The church and the adjoining friary, where he lives, suffers from water penetration and Fr Max has been proactive in trying to resolve the worst of the water damage. Recently, rain water was dripping into the kitchen caused by ivy growth outside the window. Being practical and with long experience of property maintenance, intrepid Fr Max climbed out the window to strip away the ivy. He is clearly not someone to let anything stand in the way of his ministry in Rye parish.

Fr Max is a Franciscan friar, the latest successor to a long tradition of Franciscans in Rye and Winchelsea who first arrived here in 1224. According to ancient chroniclers, the friars wore grey habits and consequently were nick-named Greyfriars. Rye and the surrounding area have very many references to the Greyfriars and their monasteries and friaries, most notable of which is probably Greyfriars Winchelsea.

St Anthony of Padua’s church in Rye

We know that St Anthony’s is architecturally so exceptional that it was recently featured in a new book Fifty Catholic Churches to see before you die. It is also remarkable that St Anthony’s remains staffed by the founding order and the latest incumbent Fr Max is warm, friendly and personable.

You will receive a warm welcome should you wish to visit. Fr Max is supported by Deacon Simon South of Peasmarsh. https://stanthonyrye.com/

Image Credits: m ivatts , Mags Ivatt .

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