Community Shop makes awards


Over the past four years Rye Community Shop has succeeded in providing funding to many local charities and community groups, amounting to an astonishing £84,966.27!

Our patron Amber Rudd was unable to be with us to present the cheques at our latest funding round as she was unavailable, but we are pleased to announce that cheques to the value of just over £9,800 were awarded to the following groups. We wish them all every success with their projects.

1066 Rangers, Rye Dementia Action Alliance, Encompass Care, Hands Of Hope, Iden Bowls Club, Iden Village Hall, Oliver Curd Trust, Peasmarsh Chamber Music Festival Trust, Peasmarsh CE Primary School, 1st Rye Scouts, St Bartholomew’s Garden and Winchelsea New Hall.

Rye Community Shop continues to support the community by recycling unwanted but saleable items and from Monday, November 4 we will be reopening on Mondays from 9:30am – 2:30pm and from Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 4pm. The trustees and the two shop managers, Julie Stonham and Clair Turner, together with our loyal team of hard working volunteers would like to thank everyone for their continued support.

Image Credits: Rye Community Shop .

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