Ryesingers golden anniversary


One Wednesday night 50 years ago, seven young Rye women joined Lesley Brownbill with the idea of forming a ladies choir. Of those ‘originals’, three – Jo Kirkham, Sue Manktelow and Carol Osborne – have sung continuously with the choir ever since. On Wednesday, October 6, the exact anniversary, they cut a splendid golden cake made by Ann Foot, a present member, whose connections are linked with the early days. This was the climax of a delightful party at the Queens Head, attended by the present choir members.

During rehearsals, chatter is of course not allowed, but this night reminiscences flowed and laughter abounded. Over a delicious meal, provided by the pub, the stories were of winning eisteddfods and the extraordinary sleeping quarters experienced whilst on competitive and performing tours, both in the UK and Europe. How things changed when tenors and basses joined and the glorious highlighted performances, especially the mammoth production of the Berlioz requiem in St Mary’s Church, complete with full orchestra.

The party was a very special and joyous occasion to celebrate an outstanding achievement by Lesley to maintain a prize-winning, wondrously sounding group of amateurs, performing with such musicality all these years.

Image Credits: Sue Bower .

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