Hall replies to critics


Dear Sirs

The Camber Village Hall Committee, we were extremely disappointed to read the article written by Heidi Foster, who attended a Country and Western event recently at the hall (pictured above).

The comments, reportedly from the organisers, were that the village hall committee is “threatening an increase in charges”, “changes to bookings” and “trying to drive them out by not heating the hall”.

The rent for the Country and Western event was increased by £5 a month, not an onerous amount, and the first rise in several years.

But the rent for the local little clubs was raised by only 50p per hour and in some cases actually reduced. Heating was due to a boiler problem (which has now been sorted out).

The Country and Western wasn’t actually booked for 2017 as booking forms were not submitted by them until this week. The group does now have a booking every month for 2017, with the exception of New Year’s Eve which the hall committee have booked for a village New Year party.

We have a very active committee including support from two Camber Parish Councillors and have had to deal with a great many maintenance issues in the six months since being elected, including four long-standing leaking-roof repairs and a lack of funds with which to complete them. We have plans to update the hall and committee members have been working hard to get these underway.

I know change is sometimes not welcomed by the old school and is railed against. It is still unpleasant to read these type of comments, especially when there is no foundation to them and appears to make the current committee seem like bullies – which is very far from the truth as it is to our advantage to encourage use of our hall, and certainly not to drive people away.

[Heidi Foster writes:  I reported what was conveyed to me and did say that I realised it was only one side of the story. It was the organisers’ feeling at the moment of change perhaps. I am glad the situation has been cleared up and they can continue, as hoped by the many who enjoy dancing.]


Photo: Heidi Foster

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