Flower and veg show coming up


Plans are well advanced for the annual produce show which will take place on Saturday August 18 at the Rye Community Centre.
This year there will be 56 Classes in six Categories – Fruit and Vegetables, Flowers Foliage and Ornamental, Cookery, Photography, Handicraft and Children’s . The prestigious Banksian Medal, awarded by the Royal Horticultural Society will be presented for the highest number of place points in the horticultural classes, while other cups and prizes will be presented across the range of categories. In addition, the winner of the best kept allotment competition, run and judged by Rye Amenity CIC will be announced at the prize giving ceremony.
Entries to the show are welcome from everyone from experienced gardeners to beginners. It’s an opportunity for the community to celebrate all things home grown and home made. The show schedule, listing classes, giving useful tips on showing and an entry form is available now at Bargain Box in Cinque Ports Street, Adams in the High Street or via email ryeallotments@yahoo.com
August 18 may seem a long time away but preparation for the show gets underway early. First of all, the funding has to be put in place. Rye Amenity CIC have generously sponsored the show whilst The George in Rye, Rye Allotments Association, The Rye Bookshop, The Queens Head and Rye Town Council have sponsored categories within the show. The Town Council, Concepts and Rye Retreat placed adverts in the show schedule, thus enabling it to be printed. Children from Rye Community Primary School have been involved too. They have come up with some brilliant designs which have been used on the front cover of the show schedule and will be made into posters advertising the event that will soon be appearing around the town.

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