What is the point?


I live on Fishmarket Road or “The TT Circuit” as I like to call it.

Today, middle of Easter weekend, I watch, and hear – you can’t not – as the leather clad bike brigade charge through Rye oblivious to lockdown – ‘necessary journeys’ clearly don’t apply to them and at their usual ignorance of speed limits or the noise they create.

However, better than this is the lycra clad brigade – (exercise understood) but why all around here and spitting as they go along – sweating and sitting on the benches – one guy on his phone saying he would be “back in Ashford in about an hour” as he spat on the pavement.

I am not oblivious to the world at the moment so why do we allow outsiders into Rye to spit everywhere? Do we put up with the bikers making no effort to stay at home and spoil our peace as we just moan?

What is the point of the majority staying at home if we allow this minority to do as they please?

Social media is alive with damnation for them but as they can’t read speed signs or red traffic lights what hope?

It is about time we all stop complaining about the bikers and do something.

Am I the only one ?

And it’s interesting spending rare time at home (I am a key worker) watching the dog walkers in the park. If you take your dog for a walk and walk 10 metres in front you don’t see your dog leaving a mess on the grass and so you don’t need to pick it up!

One guy and his golden Labrador and a young couple with the same breed come every day to do that – not a poo bag in sight but odd how I can see their dog fouling but they can’t?

There are absolutely heartwarming stories of kindness all over the media – let’s use this time to reflect on the society we want after lockdown and whether we want this type of anti-social behaviour to continue unchecked.

[Editor’s note: Sussex Police issued 100 fines over the weekend to people not “staying at home” within the restrictions – four of which were issued on Camber Sands. Other reports suggest the usual bank holiday motor cycle presence on Strand Quay was absent]

Image Credits: Oleksandr Pyrohov / Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/motorbike-racing-motorcycle-race-438464/ Pixabay License https://pixabay.com/service/license/.

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  1. Fully concur Kevin. I guess the motorbikes I saw at the Strand must have been a mirage and I probably need new glasses. Not as many there as usual but when taking an afternoon walk my guess is that there were 15-20. No police in sight. Upon walking back home via Military Road there were about a dozen motorbikes, several in close formation and exceeding the 30 mph limit. But what is one to do? Like with cyclists coming long distances, it is socially irresponsible to engage in this behaviour at this time. And annoyingly, a few dog owners do not pick up whether on the pavement, in the middle of footpaths or in one of Rye’s public fields. Walking on the footpath by the tennis club one always need to keep a watch! And very recently we have had a chat with an obstinate owner of two small white dogs refusing to pick up on the High Street. It was almost comical how she looked left and right before moving on…an existential problem me thinks!

  2. I absolutely agree with all of your observations Kevin. I am particularly annoyed by the noise the bikers make on Sunday mornings while most of us would like to enjoy a lie in. I live on wish street and they are driving me mad!!! The irresponsible dog owners are equally annoying. I am sure that there is more that can be done by the authorities to address both of these highly unsociable activities.

  3. Blimey! A lot of hate going on here!
    However, I agree on the motorcycles – antisocial racing exhausts that make Sundays sound more like Silverstone than our quiet town. Military Road, favourite race track, exceeding speeds well over the limit.
    Cyclists – clearly you don’t like them for some reason. Spitting? I cycle with a club and I’ve never seen any rider spitting.
    Dog walkers – unfortunately there are some owners who don’t clear up after their dogs which I find disgusting.

  4. Oh dear. I think that we might be the ‘young couple’ with Labrador that you mention. Is 40 young? I suppose it’s all relative. Just in case it is us that you are referring to I feel compelled to explain. Our dog has had serious digestion problems since he was a puppy. After much worry and stress he had an operation that has largely sorted it out but, with apologies for the image this will conjure, when we are on walks he still quite frequently tries to go without producing anything. Please rest assured that whenever there is anything to pick up we do pick it up. We are just as against dog mess being left lying around as anyone. We even do a ‘courtesy pick-up’ sometimes if we think someone might be upset by what they think they are seeing.
    While I understand why someone watching from afar might think we are not picking up after our dog, please be sure of all the facts if you are going to try to identify people for shaming. There are people around town who, if they read your article, might connect us with your description and unfairly think badly of us because of it.

    • My Pointer also does a spin round and assume the position before walking on and finding another spot maybe 1/4 mile further on. I walk rural so it’s not an issue but I can see where you could be misunderstood. Hope the Lab gets better.

  5. I went outside the other day and shouted at the clouds that blocked the sun. Those old people in those tiny cars, going so slowly they seem to be stationary. And those young whippersnappers with those loud exhaust pipes on their souped up cars. Then the American muscle car v8 engines that make your house shake. Motorcyclists in that threatening black leather telling me loud pipes save lives. And those scooters, what a noise. I spotted a couple of tiny kids kicking a football. I was tempted to write about it and complain to someone but then noticed I was shouting at the clouds again.

  6. Bodwik, good point! But the motorcycles are a pain! We’re a small market town surrounded by beautiful, tranquil countryside. Why do I want to listen a load of old men racing up and down our roads with powerful bikes fitted with racing exhausts which are illegal?

    I like walking, enjoying the countryside and ir would so much more enjoyable not listening to this antisocial BABs ( Born Again Bikers)

  7. So. Our peace is at an end.
    Sunday 17 May the noise in Rye was deafening!
    These hooligans have returned to Rye.
    What were they doing?

    There were only 3 shops open. Boots and 2 health food shops. No cafes, or bars etc.

    It sounds as if they were driving round and round Rye non stop. Not only noise pollution but air pollution from their massive two wheeled machines.

    Yesterday very early in the morning, I heard the cuckoo. For the first time in many years in Rye.
    The cuckoo as returned. But so have the BIKERS.
    PEACE is at an end.

    How can this be allowed to happen?
    These poor old people, residents at Strand Quay confined to their flats in this pandemic.
    HOW? WHY?
    I simply do not understand.

  8. I am worried as residents in Hastings have had visitors to the town knock on their doors to use their toilets. This is a well known way to spread the virus.

  9. We have to realise the bikers have returned to Rye,because the government has eased lockdown restrictions,the toilets are the responsibility of Rothr district council, and should have realised visitors for what ever reason they are in town,need toilet facilities,if it was alright to open toilets in Camber,the same thing should have happened in Rye, Regarding the bikers, the heavy lorries the pollution, that is the price we today are paying, for the Nimbys who stopped a bypass for Rye 30 years ago.

  10. John is right, the lock down is being eased and Rye needs to help make that as safe as possible, keeping the toilets locked isn’t going to stop them or the other visitors in the town, a walk round town yesterday saw visitors with cameras doing the day tripper bit and they will need toilet facilities too.
    You would have to be naive to think that it’s only visitors who are breaking the distancing rules, many locals have been breaking the rules since day one.
    As for the by-pass?
    The bikers would still gather on the Strand, it’s recommended as a good gathering point by bikers far and wide.


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