Around and about


FOR CHILDREN : Two Easter events at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve. Minibeasts, 1.30 pm at Rye Harbour Car Park, Wednesday April 8, and Rockpool Ramble, 10 am Thursday April 9 from Smugglers Inn, Pett Level. Booking essential, £3 per child,, 0r 01797 227784 or Bring wellies or sturdy shoes for the rockpools, as you will be paddling.

ELECTION TIME : Monday April 20 is the deadline for ensuring you have a vote. Contact The deadline for getting a postal vote is 5 pm Tuesday April  21 and Election Day is Thursday May 7. As a new registration system has been recently introduced, many people may not be registered and will not be able to vote. As the opinion polls do not always check whether you can vote, they may be badly wrong this time, as they were at the time of the Poll Tax when many people came off the voting register to avoid paying.

SAVING SANTA : It may be Easter, and Christmas will seem a long way off. But Rye’s Christmas has been rather dismal in recent years, so a group has been set up to ensure this year is better. If you want to help, contact or call her on 01797 229916. More details in Rye News next week as the group is also seeking your views.

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