Get on with it, Rother DC


It became clear during the above meeting that the East Sussex Police cannot be blamed for the current parking anarchy in Rye. Considerable cuts in public funding from central government mean a difficult prioritisation in law enforcement, and, pace fellow Rye citizens, parking problems are are nowhere near the top of the list.

Nor should they be. The responsibility for defining the legal status of parking lies with the District/Borough Councils (with consultative ‘Highway’ and budgetary participation of the County Council).

Our Rother District Council (RDC) has continued to ignore the issue and their constituents. Rother earns £250,000 a year from Rye’s car parks. It has no incentive to interfere and even now seems totally relaxed in its slow and complacent acceptance that the situation in Rye might need change.

They should be reminded that only a few miles away in Kent, Tenterden (through Ashford Borough Council) resolved their parking 20 years ago. Their town is patrolled by traffic wardens who enforce civilised rules that are obeyed. Fees for parking (and fines) pay for the enforcement.

No, RDC Councillors, it is not rocket science. So let’s have no more talk of consultation and delay. You should have resolved this long ago. You’ve been offered a temporary solution by the police. Just get on with it.

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  1. As a newcomer to Rye, I have to admit to not knowing, until the recent meeting, that there are several car parking areas on the outskirts of the town. The signposting for car parking is not effective and I feel the problem would be greatly decreased if parking areas were identified in all means of media. The free town map could show shaded areas of car parking and pricing. There are various magazines which could also bring these areas to the attention of potential visitors. The one hour parking sites are being utilised by local residents, staff of the local shops (which is understandable as there is a limit to easily accessible parking areas) and visitors to the town. The problem needs to be identified in more detail before an interim solution can be reached.

  2. I reckon it’s time they pedestrianised the high street in line with most other modern towns in England today. Tourism is so important to Rye and the coach loads of visitors the town gets would much appreciate the greater freedom. Think local act global n’est pas?


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